📢Submit Your Work to Meaningful XR 2025 by February 28th MARCH 5th
We invite you to submit your research, design projects, and ideas for Meaningful XR 2025. The submission deadline is February 28 MARCH 5th, 2025. We welcome work from all fields, with a special emphasis on student and early career submissions.
đź“‘Submission Overview & Categories
All submissions should address some aspect of the Meaningful XR themes described above, contributing to an understanding of the current state of the art, practice, science, and/or discipline of Meaningful XR. To that end, submissions should present original, unpublished, work that is not currently under review by any other venue. Student and early career submissions are highly encouraged.Â
Full Research Papers (8000 words max; does not include references, tables, figures, abstract, or title)
Full research papers should present theoretically grounded research or design projects. In collaboration with the Frontiers in Virtual Reality, papers that are accepted to the conference and then revised may be submitted to the journal to go through a review process for an upcoming special issue (Original Research article type), with attempts made to retain at least one original reviewer. Please note that acceptance for the conference does not guarantee publication in the special issue.Â
Papers must be anonymized and should use APA 7th edition format.
Accepted submissions will likely be scheduled for oral presentation at the conference or, in rare cases, for a poster exhibition (with author consent).Â
Short Papers (3000 words max; does not include references, tables, figures, abstract, or title)
Short papers are appropriate for a wide range of works, including but not limited to completed research projects, retrospectives on XR design projects, and theoretical, methodological, or technical developments.
Submissions must be anonymized and should use APA 7th edition format.
Accepted submissions may be scheduled for oral presentation or poster exhibition at the conference.Â
Posters (500 words max, all-inclusive; poster draft submission optional)
Posters are appropriate for a wide range of works, including but not limited to completed research projects, works-in-progress, retrospectives on XR design projects, and theoretical, methodological, or technical developments.
Submissions must be anonymized and include a write-up (APA 7th edition format) of the project to be presented in the poster. Authors may also submit a draft of the poster to be reviewed along with the write-up.
Accepted submissions will be scheduled for the conference poster exhibition.Â
Panels and Roundtables (500 words max, all-inclusive)
Panels and roundtables should contribute to Meaningful XR community building. Proposals should include an overarching statement of the vision behind the panel, a statement of how all participating members will contribute to this vision and the names and bios of participating members.Â
MicroTalks for Big Ideas (300 words max, all-inclusive)
Have an awesome idea about Meaningful XR that you want to share with the community? Maybe you are running a company or preparing a dissertation in this space. Do you want to explain how the future of the industry or discipline should be shaped? Tell us about it for a chance at the mic for ~10 minutes.
XR Demos — Apps, Experiences, and Research (See below for recommended limits)
Demonstrate your XR applications, experiences, and designs to the Meaningful XR community! Appropriate XR submissions include but are not limited to student/indie/experimental/serious XR games, novel XR meeting/social media platforms, XR productivity applications, research/studies using XR technology (yes, you may submit demonstrations of your XR research designs).
Submitters must obtain all permissions and rights to demonstrate any material.
Submissions should include a document (PDF) describing the application in text and/or images (aim for 1-5 pages) and must include a link to a detailed video (3 - 5 minutes) showing the XR application in use. If possible, also include a link for reviewers to experience the app on their own. Apps in various stages of completion are eligible, but the app must be in a form that is presentable and usable for exhibition at the conference.
App exhibitors are expected to attend the Meaningful XR conference and demonstrate their application with their own equipment during the exhibition time.
đźŽThemes for Submission
We encourage submissions addressing these key areas:
XR’s impact on behaviors, attitudes, and relationships.
Integration of XR and AI to create meaningful experiences.
XR applications in education, workplace productivity, and social issues.
Theories and models for XR research and development.
Game design principles in meaningful and efficacious XR spaces
Tools and methods for analyzing XR datasets and designing innovative spaces.
The future of XR technologies and their societal implications.